Attention: this WEB-site is RUSSIAN ONLY!
The site was designed by means Microsoft InterNet Explorer (MSIE) ver. 6 and tested with MSIE
ver. 4.0/5.0 and Netscape Communicator ver. 4.08/4.5/6.2 with use Windows-1251 codepage
but give out to client in KOI8-R charset (through Apache's sets).
The site's author used cyrillic fonts (TrueType and not only TrueType) by name
Arial Cyr, Times New Roman Cyr or MS San Serif (in order this reference)
with fixed font size. If you have some problems with cyrillic fonts,
please, download packet of cyrillic fonts on your computer (see below).
Afterwards you must unarchived file FONTS.ZIP and register individual
fonts for you Windows (for it, please, open taskbar and make click
sequence 'Start => Settings => Control Panel => Fonts => File => Install New Font'
and then select font-file and double click at this).
Maybe, you already have some cyrillic fonts, then set your browser for
used this fonts as default.
Thanks, your
Valery Bakanov.
Download on your computer packet of cyrillic fonts - volume 130 kb approximately
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